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Exploring the Unseen: A Spiritual Journey with an Unborn Child

Updated: Jul 28

Hello, dear readers! I’m Natalie Seigne, and today I want to share a truly inspiring story from my work as an intuitive energy healer and spirit medium. This story beautifully illustrates how the wisdom of the spirit world can sometimes challenge our conventional scientific understanding. Join me as I delve into a recent session that left a lasting impression on my heart and soul.

The Beauty of Working with Expectant Mothers

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is connecting with pregnant clients. The experience of tuning into the spirit of an unborn child is incredibly joyful and enlightening. It offers parents a glimpse into the personality and essence of the little soul they are about to welcome into the world. However, this connection isn’t always guaranteed, as I believe these little souls dance between the earthly realm and the heavens until they are born. Birth is a transformative event for the soul, and I’ll be sharing more about that in a future post.

A Magical Encounter

Recently, I had the privilege of working with a beautiful and warm-hearted woman who was in the late stages of pregnancy with her second child. Her desire was to connect with the spirit of her unborn baby, and the session turned out to be nothing short of magical. We both shared tears of joy, and it reminded me of how blessed I am to walk this path of spiritual service. The session fostered a deep and heartfelt connection between the mother and her soon-to-be-born blessing.

Ancestral Trauma and the Power of the Spirit

During our session, my client expressed concern that her child might inherit ancestral trauma that had not been fully healed within the family line. This is a common worry among expectant parents, as we all hope to give our children a fresh start free from past burdens. To our amazement, the spirit of her unborn child communicated a clear and powerful message: she would not take on the long-held trauma from her paternal ancestry. Her soul’s firm “no” was a testament to her strength and clarity.

This revelation left us both in awe. While it’s possible that she might inherit other challenges, there was a strong conviction that she would not carry certain heavy ancestral burdens. This realization was both comforting and enlightening.

The Spirit’s Insightful Message

We were curious to understand why and how this could be possible. The child’s spirit revealed that when her father holds her in his arms and gazes into her eyes, the narrative of his own wounds would dissolve. It was as if the false beliefs and pain he had carried would vanish, leaving no trace. The energy of his trauma would dissolve, and the child’s mere presence would serve as a catalyst for healing this ancestral belief. It was a profound reminder of the healing power inherent in unconditional love and presence.

Challenging Scientific Beliefs

This incredible insight from the spirit world offers a fascinating perspective that may challenge current scientific beliefs around DNA expression and epigenetics. While science provides us with valuable knowledge, the spiritual realm often brings forth wisdom that transcends our understanding. This experience underscored the importance of healing as parents to prevent passing on our pain to the next generation.

I want to clarify that I am not discrediting contemporary scientific beliefs. There is still so much we don’t know about the mysteries of life and the universe. Isn’t it true that the more we learn, the more we realize we have yet to understand?

Questions to Ponder

This experience raises intriguing questions about the soul’s journey and its role in healing ancestral trauma. Could it be that some souls take on more significant burdens as part of their karmic purpose? Are “strong” souls, with more experience, drawn to more substantial challenges? These questions keep us curious and open-minded, inviting us to explore the limitless possibilities of the spirit.

Staying Open to Spirit’s Guidance

As we continue our spiritual journeys, it’s vital to remain curious and keep asking questions. The journey of discovery is endless, and Spirit always brings new insights to light. Embrace the unknown and trust in the wisdom that unfolds, for it is through this openness that we grow and evolve.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the unseen. I am grateful for the opportunity to share these experiences with you, and I look forward to continuing this journey together.

With love and light,

Natalie Seigne


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